Episode 23
E23 ‘Ummm…’ How To Sit Behind The Mic and Use Your Voice Effectively
- “Communication works for those who work at it.” John Powell
- Become someone worth listening to — with a podcast worth listening to — by giving depth and dimension to what you teach… by using your voice right.
- First (and always) the basics: 1) practice knowing how to use the cough button on mic and mute button on Zoom, etc.; and 2) be aware of “um”, “so, and “ah”.
- From there, add variety & dimension to your speaking voice (and to the experience of your listener) with pace, tone, and pitch.
- [TAKE ACTION] Schedule 13 minutes to review the show notes from this episode. Then think about how you will use pace, tone, and pitch in your show. Don’t forget the cough button!
Remember that if you want direct, live support from us for your business podcast, then contact us today at ibgr.info.
Each week we will walk through an easy-to-follow, proven, plug-and-play way to get YOUR podcast done, 13 minutes at a time, in just 13 weeks.
So follow the formula each week. And welcome to the show.
Ben Gioia ("joya")
Book Coach, Strategist & Publishing Advisor
Ben Gioia ("joya") is a three-time, best-selling author, podcast, and international radio show host. He’s trained millionaires at Stanford and helped a Fortune 100 company elevate culture by creating an empathy video game for 20,000 employees. Ben makes it easy — for coaches, consultants, speakers, and small business owners — to get their book done in as little as 5 weeks!
From there, it’s making an impact as a unique expert, enjoying 5-figure speaking fees, and getting clients & partners BEFORE they’re published! With 38 years of writing adventures, Ben helped launch the world’s largest magazine (AARP) and his teachings are used by more than 50,000 people worldwide.
Donna Kunde
Global Radio Authority & Podcast Expert, IBGR Co-Founder
Donna Kunde is a podcast host & radio personality who has produced almost 14,000 podcasts, while elevating businesses, with more than 300,000 downloads (to date). So with her own international business radio station (and network), Donna is amplifying more than 70 experts (in 14 countries), reaching listeners in more than 180 countries, and delivering worldwide transformation, every single day. Donna is all about taking proven wisdom and applying it, 13 minutes at a time. Then turning that into a podcast AND book, in just 20 weeks. (It’s called the Influencers Formula.) If you’d like to learn more about the Influencers Formula for your business, contact Donna today.